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Old 05-04-2010, 10:45 PM   #45
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Location: Crawfordville, Florida
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Re: Proper parking protocol? And gear question?

If you have a cable lock you can thread it through the arms of the jacket and lock it on to the bike along with the full face helmet.
You can get armored mesh riding pants if you want, cooler than jeans and have better abrasion protection too, altho a little pricey.

One way to beat the heat if you're just going out for a ride and don't have to go in to work or school is to carry a water bottle and wet yourself down under the mesh jacket and use the evaporation to take away the heat. There are evaporative vests also commercially made as well as an air conditioner than rides on the back of the bike and blows cold air through a hose into the rider's jacket, if you want to spend about $600. Just make sure you drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration when you ride in the heat.

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