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Old 04-26-2010, 12:29 PM   #16
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: New Port Richey, Florida USA
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Re: the wind is sure giving me some major trouble today, bla

My 30 yo daughter bought a jacket by "Shift". It's a very attractive black and white womens riding mesh jacket with some attractive (read female type detailing) for about $175. She really likes hers. They are really tailored for women and it looks like it's well made and has some substantial armor. This is the model she has: My Daughter's Shift Jacket

Here is one on e-bay now at $112 Shift Jacket

This is from the guy who won't do ATFGATFT. But my kid is a different story. She wants to wear armor and I think it's great.

Good luck in your search!

Prudent riders live longer than moron riders.
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