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Old 04-22-2010, 01:15 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
Posts: 33
Proper parking protocol? And gear question?

Just wondering if there are any specific laws/rules/etiquette regarding parking bikes in a parking lot. I felt kind of bad taking up a whole parking spot up front yesterday, but didn't want to to leave it open in the back and kinda figured there are laws against parking on the sidewalk :biggrin: I've seen bikes parked in the lines in the front of large parking lots, is that cool or no?

Also what do you guys do with your helmets when you leave the bike? I'm sure there's not a huge market for stolen pink helmets but I still feel weird just leaving it hanging on the handlebars- I've had one of my kid's drinks stolen out of a stroller by some punk girls (I guess they thought the military canteen was a flask and I was carrying alcohol around at a local festival midday?? idiots) so I know some people will take stuff just because they're idiots.

And just got in the boots I ordered. Irritated that they say "after riding".... so is there something specific to be looking for in protective foot gear? Steel toed? Or is just heavy leather okay?


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