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Old 04-15-2010, 09:35 PM   #7
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Indiana
Posts: 119
Re: 2006 GZ250 rear tire that seems to rub on inner fender

I talked to my Dealer today and this was a TSB (recall) by Suzuki. Suzuki will cover the costs for them to realign the tire-fender. Not 100% sure what the fix is but my dealer said they can take care of it and it will work fine. I trust them. Also I am having the recall on the reflectors done as well. Now can't wait to get it back so we can start riding again. Dealer said they should have everything done early next week. Thank you for your information. Feeling much better now. I will post how it looks and how it runs after I get it back and ride it a bit. I should have taken a picture before and after and posted it, so other that have the same problem I had, would know what it looks like. I guess not every GZ made had this, just a couple. Nice to know Suzuki steps up to the plate. Our next bike, when we are ready, will be a brand new GZ 250. So far from the one day ride we took, the bike was AWESOME!!!!! Looking forward to more... GZ Brian
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