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Old 04-15-2010, 09:40 AM   #7
Easy Rider
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Re: Throttle Killing the motor?

Originally Posted by Charlie Foxtrot
I was afraid that the carburetor may be gummed up a little but I figured if I just let it run it would blow the gunk out of it ..........
Sorry but it doesn't work that way. The GZ seems to be more sensitive to gum due to old fuel than most. Sometimes 30 days without use is enough for the problem to start coming back.

You are right, though, in that the first symptom usually is failing to hold an idle.
You aren't doing this test with the air filter OFF are you ?? That makes a HUGE difference on this engine. It won't run right without it.

A slight smell of gas on the air filter is pretty much normal; should be OK as long as the paper isn't soaked in gas......or oil. The drain hose from the air box should have a plug on it.....but that likely isn't part of your present problem.
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