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Old 04-15-2010, 04:22 AM   #4
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Posts: 119
Re: 2006 GZ250 rear tire that seems to rub on inner fender

Thanks for the posts and I will post the outcome. I tried the fender spacer idea myself, but the tire still offset. I placed two spacers on the right side of the fender to move it over 3/8", but it did not seem to do much. It seems to me it might have something to do with the spacer on the axle. When I took it to the local Suzuki shop, they were puzzled as well. I know the tire sidewall has rub marks on it from hitting the round inner frame part under the fender. Kinda feel like the guy that sold it to me took me, but again I should have been more careful. Hopefully anyone else buying a used GZ250 can check for this before they buy it so they don't have the same frustration I had. I will let you know what the shop finds. Thanks, GZBrian
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