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Old 04-15-2010, 12:06 AM   #4
Charlie Foxtrot
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 13
Re: Throttle Killing the motor?

Alright, it starts fine on 3/4 choke and it will idle properly with the choke off. But when I turn the throttle more than a 1/4 it cuts the bike off. No matter what the choke setting is the bike also power to the bike after 1/4 turn but the coke keeps it running if I let go of the throttle right away. I never did set the bike up for winter storage mostly because I was planning to ride until it got really cold but I blew a clutch cover gasket and I didn't get around to fixing it until last week. Mostly because of trying to get the part and a lot of other crap that was going on.

I did look through some of the posts on the forum here but I wasn't able to find anyone with this specific problem. I tried several things I found including looking to see if the choke was sticking and trying to see if it would work with the petcock in the prime position but neither worked. I checked the Air Filter and cleaned some of the stuff out of it. I smelled the air filter and it smelled like gas but what that had to do with anything escapes me at the moment. I also saw some fluid of some sort had come out of the drain hose that is attached to the carburetor and smelled that. It smelled like water and I would think that if it smelled like anything it should be gas from when I primed it to first start it yesterday. I was afraid that the carburetor may be gummed up a little but I figured if I just let it run it would blow the gunk out of it since it has only been sitting for about 5 months and not a few years like the last time I had problems with it.

I will try using fresh gas and carb cleaner to see if that helps. I should also note that the bike has been pushed over twice since its been sitting by some douche bag living in my apartment complex so I was wondering if that would have anything to do with the current problems. Both times it was laying on the throttle side and the second time it bent the throttle side of the bars pretty bad.

I apologize for the long posts but I wanted to explain the whole situation more clearly, I'll try y'alls suggestions and post back with the results as soon as I can get back to it.
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