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Old 04-14-2010, 09:09 PM   #3
Easy Rider
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Re: Throttle Killing the motor?

Originally Posted by Charlie Foxtrot
I pulled the bike out recently to get it ready for spring and the rest of summer and after I got it started the engine dies when the throttle is turned.
Very typical this time of year. All the bike forums are FILLED with that exact problem.......worded a little differently, but still the same.

When storing a bike for winter, you need the tank FULL and some stabilizer in the gas, otherwise, gum forms as the gas in the carb evaporates and plugs the tiny fuel passages and the result is what you have now.

When you get the time, please read through the technical posts here; there is a lot of good information in there.

In the mean time......if the situation is not too bad, you might be able to ride it by leaving the choke out just a bit; easy enough to try just sitting there to see if it will rev up with a bit of choke.

Either way, you need to drain out the old gas (most of it anyway) and put in fresh gas with some carb cleaner. Berryman's B12 Chemtool is good; use a little more than the per-gallon recommendtion. Then you need to run the engine to warm it up, either riding or not, and then let it soak overnight. Hopefully after one or two cycles of that, it should run better. If it does NOT run better after 3 days or so of warming and setting overnight, you will need to get a manual carb cleaning.

If you browse through the forums here a bit, you will see that LOTS of GZ riders have that same problem......if the bike is not ridden often. A shot of cleaner every 3 tanks or so can help prevent it again in the future.

Good luck !!
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