Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Originally Posted by billyedtimmy
However, when I put the bike up on the rear stand and ran the bike on first gear, I can notice just a bit of wheel wobble. Not huge, but it is noticable. What the heck?
As others have said, you are mixing up two different things. The chain/axle alignment is to set the rear wheel pointing in exactly a straight forward direction....and using the marks is usually plenty close enough for that.
The wheel wobble you noticed is caused by a tire or rim that it "out of true". Just a tiny bit of that is not unusual, especially with a spoked wheel. If it is bad, you need to look for a shop experienced in true'ing a spoked wheel. Resist the temptation to do it yourself; it is an art.......and it might just be the tire.
P.S. If you are having to adjust the chain every 300 km, something is drastically WRONG. Keep a close eye on it.
Ah, ok, thanks for the clarification. I assumed the wobble was related to my not doing the adjustment right, since it's my first try. I'll check the rim vs the tire and see what's up. Hopefully the chain won't need adjustment this often. I suspect it was this loose to begin with new, but I only recently read the manual and checked.