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Old 02-14-2010, 09:33 AM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Reseda, CA
Posts: 38
Rebuilt the engine!

Hey everybody. So I have an 05 GZ with about 6100 miles on it. Since I bought it in September, I noticed that every time I started it up it would make this popping sound. I recently took it to the dealer to replace the brakes and the mechanic noticed it to. When I went to pick the bike up he informed me that on the front of the engine there was a nut missing and the stud was just hanging freely. So I ordered up a whole bunch of parts and got to work. I replaced the head gaskets, all the studs, and Piston rings since I was already in the engine. I finished all the repairs yesterday and when I started her up it was beautiful, not a single noise other than the engine running of course. It sounds like a new bike. In order to remedy this problem from happening again I just added some locktite to all the studs. I rode it for about 50 miles and am very happy with the results. Once I have a chance to upload a short video of the first start up I will. :2tup:
"You're not wasting time, if you're wasted all the time."

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