Re: Found another way to stay warm
I mentioned it in a thread where someone was about to drain their gas tank.
I went to junior high with an unfortunate gentleman we referred to privately as "Crispy" (I'm not proud, but, it wasn't my idea and, well, it fit.) Said gentleman was wearing a nylon pullover shirt whilst working on his car, got gas on it and, when he went inside to take a shower, the act of pulling it over his head generated a static electricity spark, the shirt ignited and the nylon melted. He was fortunate to still have most of his features but his lower face, neck, back and chest looked like something out of a horror movie.
If I hadn't met Crispy I would not have believed this possible. Nylon, rayon and other plastic materials are less popular now than they were in the seventies, but I still see workout wear made from it. Be careful!