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Old 01-26-2010, 05:55 PM   #30
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Florida
Posts: 13
Re: Bike just won't start!

Okay... Status update!

I charged up the battery again, emptied out the gas tank, replaced it with fresh gas, and put carburetor treatment into it.

The bike now starts flawlessly, don't even have to set it to prime. However, it still won't idle. From this, do you guys think it's still a carburetor problem or should I start adjusting the idle screw? I didn't really want to toy with it since I have no way of telling how many rpm's the engine is doing. I took a picture of mine in the hopes that you guys could look at it and tell me if it's too low or not. ... rcycle.jpg

Another question... after replacing the gas I set the petcock to prime again and noticed that gas was leaking out of a hose under the seat, behind and to the left of the battery if you're looking at the right side of the motorcycle. What is this hose and why is it leaking gasoline on my motorcycle?! If you're looking at the parts manual, it's number 46 under carburetor.
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