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Old 01-26-2010, 03:33 PM   #28
Easy Rider
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Re: Bike just won't start!

Originally Posted by RavenousPirate
From the suggestions I'm reading, it seems you want me to let it sit idle while it's running, but the last time that I started it I could only get it to stay running if I kept the throttle pulled. Would keeping the throttle pulled for around ten minutes be advisable? Or should I just take it to a shop now if I can't even get it to idle?
That depends on how FAR you have the throttle open and how FAST it makes it run.
You need to keep it at or near idle speed for a few minutes; how you accomplish that isn't really too important.

It would appear, though, that you have a major carb problem, since having the choke fully operated should also make it run fairly fast. If the only way it will stay running is REAL FAST, then you're probably destined for a trip to the shop, as you should NOT run it real fast for more than a few seconds.
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