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Old 01-25-2010, 07:23 PM   #7
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Re: Took out a bird on my way to work today

I remember a thread from years back where someone was trying to separate "real" bikers, from, well, fake ones I guess. Being both a newb, a mechanical idiot (read: no mods now or ever) and not much of a joiner to boot, I found it somewhat irritating, but this thread made me think, "You know you're a real biker when... you've killed a bird using your head (literally.)"

I lost my bird viginity about two months in, but I'm pretty sure it was a hummingbird, which, given the range of winged critters described above, may not really count. (No blood spatter or feather residue for the CSI: Avian squad to analyze.) Small as they are, it definitely got my attention - thought somebody in the park had tossed a rock at me for the first few seconds. I think it was just innate reflexes from similar harassment on a bicycle that kept me from dumping the GZ. Definitely a "WTF?" moment.

May I recommend a Aldred Hitchcock classic for this week's movie night? Oh, and PETA called. You're in deep (bird) shit.
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