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Old 01-25-2010, 01:31 PM   #5
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: New Port Richey, Florida USA
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Re: Took out a bird on my way to work today

In Floriduh we have a lot of road kill, thus we get a lot of big black buzzards.\

Seems as though the bike scares them into a mass exodus as they're enjoying their road kill dinner.

Not only do they weigh 30 lbs or so (and can take you clean off your bike), but they have a nasty tendancy to crap when scared.

There is nothing on this planet as foul (fowl?) as buzzard shit. It'll take the paint off your ride in minutes.

And if it gets on your clothing, you might as well throw them out, as the funk will never come out. (don't ask how I know)

You want to avoid them at all cost. Dangerous and nasty.

:skull: :puke: :skull: :puke: :skull: :puke:
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