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Old 01-25-2010, 08:01 AM   #1
Fish Baseball
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: melbourne vic
Posts: 116
Took out a bird on my way to work today

Well here goes, normal everyday ride to work, awesome day, sunny but no glare, not to hot..ok you get the picture. Take off from the lights, drop the wrist to get past a slow moving truck, yeah cool, I'm feeling awesome at this stage, clear now for a good 300m or so, loving it, then BANG on the side of my helmet, feathers everywhere! Pulled over to the side of the road, get helmet off and its covered in blood and feathers. Look back down the road and there is a lump of what was once bird lying on the road.

So the lesson to be learned here is that the full face helmet is the way to go. I shudder to think what would have happened if I'd gone the open face option.
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