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Old 01-21-2010, 10:54 PM   #18
Easy Rider
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Re: Bike just won't start!

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
Did you have choke on?
And is the stock air cleaner still in place ?? It should be.

You should have the choke operated about 3/4 and you should NOT touch the throttle (leave it closed) until you hear the engine fire.

And until you get this resolved, you should leave the petcock in the PRIme position while you are trying to start it.

Alas, I think the bottom line is going to be that the low speed jets are completely clogged and you will need a manual carb cleaning.

If you had cleaner in the gas tank when you did the "bleed", I was hoping that you would get enough cleaner into the carb to "unstick" it after it sat for a while. Charge the battery again and give it one more try before giving up and calling the shop.
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