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Old 01-18-2010, 07:30 PM   #14
Easy Rider
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Location: Champaign, Illinois
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Re: Bike just won't start!

Originally Posted by RavenousPirate
Can told me to spray it for about 3 seconds into the air intake and then try to start, which I did.

Do you think this would work once I'm able to get the battery fully charged? Or is there something else I should look into?

Haven't tried the spark test because I don't know what you mean by the wire. Very very new to this :-D
OK, forget the spark plug wire; apparently there IS spark.

The 3 seconds spray is for a CAR; for a bike, a one second would be more appropriate; then repeated 1 second sprays to keep it going for a little while to get some gas circulating in the carb.

Yes, a fully charged battery is VERY important.

Also draining the carb bowl might help. On the very bottom of the carb is a nipple pointing down (with a rubber hose on it ? I don't remember) and a screw at the top of it. If you loosen that screw, with the petcock set on PRIme, fuel should flow out (catch it in a can or cup;NOT styrfoam). Let 4 or 5 ounces flow. If that doesn't work, then you have a serious fuel flow problem. If it does work, then close the screw and try to start again.....with a charged battery and a little starter fluid. If the situation doesn't get any better, then your carb needs a manual cleaning and that is usually not a good thing for a rookie to be doing.

P.S. Where you at in Florida? I'll be down there in a couple of weeks.......and we have a few other members scattered around down there too.
Loud pipes risk rights!
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