Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Something to consider when packing bags. Soft flexible bags have a bit of give to them and a lot more will fit into them. My Vstrom has hard bags while Lynda's bike has soft bags. Guess who can haul the most ? Hard bags will hold less and any corners are not user friendly. Hard bags are just one container while soft bags will generally have a variety of pockets for odds and ends plus the main interior. Lynda put Nelson Rigg bags on her bike and they are very good quality with a very good warranty to fall back on if necessary. Check out N R. you might be surprised at the features and user friendly mounting straps/method which are a real bonus when loading/unloading. For the price the bags were an exceptional value IMHO.
This pic also has the top bag which is expandable and will hold a ton of stuff with lots of extra interior exterior pockets.
Yeah. One thing I definitely have to think about is that this is my only form of transportation for the moment, and I don't want to have to take a backpack every time I go to buy groceries (although I do have a leather tail bag that I could put on). Probably couldn't even fit a six-pack in one of them. They sure do look nice, though. I'll post some pictures and a review if I do decide to buy them.