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Old 11-24-2009, 10:38 AM   #3
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Re: Start-Up / Loss of Power Problems - HELP!!!

I know you've drained the tank, but when you said that you'd run out of fuel, it set me thinking. The gz has a reserve of sorts, so you should have been able to keep going. Attached to the petcock (inside the tank) is a short pipe. In "run" fuel flows into the top of the pipe, until it drops enough to be level with the top of the pipe, when no more fuel will flow down it. Switching to "reserve" lets you use the fuel that is sitting at the bottom of the tank, below the top of the pipe. This is also where the gunge sits, waiting, so you could have got some "bigger" gunge in the carb than the carb cleaner could shift. Also, it's not unknown for the pipe to fall off, so that you're ALWAYS using the fuel from the bottom of the tank, & you have, in effect, no "reserve". BTW don't forget that the LONG side of the petcock lever points to whichever setting you want.

You may well have an electrical problem (battery?) but it also seems like you may have a fuel problem too. Best of luck. :2tup:
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