Originally Posted by dhgeyer
I don't recall using the word "crap" once. What I said was that, performance wise, handling wise, control wise, and long distance comfort wise, cruisers are not the most functional motorcycles, and are not, for the most part chosen by knowledgeable people who care most about those parameters. That's not opinion. Statistically, it's provable fact. .
well you may not have said the word crap but that is basically what you are implying.
every time i have set on a sport bike all i can think about is how uncomfortable they are to set on and how much my back would hurt after a 20 min ride on it, i cant imagine taking one for a long distance ride. i will agree those bikes have more power and better handling but i really cant agree with the comfort statement
as far as cruiser handling, my bike is on the larger side and i can turn on to any side street at 20mph easily (that is a pretty sharp turn) and still not scrape the foot peg on the ground, i cant see any need to take a corner any faster than that. especially when you never know if your gonna run it some gravel or any thing else on the road.
not every one cares about those parameters so that is kind of a dead end statement about the "facts" sure if you want a motorcycle that races down the road at 200mph and takes corners at stupid speeds your gonna get that kind of a bike. but not every one has a death wish :lol:
bottom line here, to me it sounds like you are saying that cruisers are crap. not trying to start any kind of fight here. just did not appreciate what was said. and i cant see how riding a sports bike is comfortable in the least bit. especially if you back hurts all the time, maybe i have not set on the right kind of sports bike. i have set on some that were not comfy and some that i thought were horribly not comfy. sure sport bikes are better in some aspects but cruisers are better in others and look a lot better, that is my opinion.
this is the last time i will complain about this. i have said what i have to say. your post does give people something to think about and i do see what you are saying except for a few of the statements, i just feel that you want the wrong way about giving that information.