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Old 10-17-2009, 05:32 PM   #5
Easy Rider
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Re: Couldn't resist. Should I sell?

Originally Posted by greenhorn
Who has two bikes and has kept their GZ?
I am jealous. Sure, go ahead and rub it in !!!! :poke2: :biggrin:

I think I would have a problem with that.
The GZ handled so much different than the bigger bikes I've had, that I initially had severe oversteer with the GZ. Just about the time I got real comfortable with a bike that turned SOoooo easy...........I went back to a slightly bigger and heavier machine that you have to consciously TELL it where you want it to go and I had a case of understeer for a while.

Watch those curves and turns and you might see what I mean. If you don't see a difference, then you're good to go..........but I'm still jealous. :roll:

[edit] so the point IS....if you are like me and do see a big difference in the handling between the two probably need to pick one and stick with it.
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