Re: Have questions GZ250 or Rebel 250?
Well I would be going from Home to school every day and maybe around town. I live in the San Diego area and go to San Diego state University.
The daily commute would be around 50miles both ways 5 days a week. I could take surface streets but I want it to be able to get on the Highway if need be once in a while.
There's a video online about the "Honda rebel on the interstate" the guy is pushing his Rebel to around 80mph. Only real problem I have with the rebel is I am 6.0 so it is to cramped for me.
I don't plan to do MUCH Highway riding like I said but I would like to be able to do SOME highway riding if I needed to a few days a month.
Also does a GZ250 last? If You do good maintenance and take good care of it how long will the engine last?
Do they last alot less than cars? My Chev Camaro has about 200,000 miles on it and still feels strong but Iv herd of some bikes engines giving out around 10,000 miles so is a motorcycle a much lower life span engine than a car if properly kept?
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