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Old 09-20-2009, 08:46 PM   #1
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I'm back.... and with a new bike!

Hey guys, long time no see. Many of you may remember a few months ago I got a Suzuki Katana. Well, while it was a great bike, it just wasn't my cup of tea, and wasn't as practical as a cruiser would be for my needs right now. So last week I sold my Kat and this weekend picked up a 1998 Suzuki Marauder 800.

Unfortunately, the bike came with drag pipes. So, as time and money permits, I will eventually replace the current pipes with some that are quieter.

I also just won an eBay auction for a set of used Mustang seats and a sissy bar for $250. Hopefully I'll have my new tires and seats by next weekend so I can riiiiide!

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