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Old 09-15-2009, 10:22 AM   #7
Easy Rider
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Re: LED flasher unit Qs

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Does the GZ have a simple 2 or 3 prong flasher ?? If so the problem can be solved easily without much hassle. All you need is a simple electronic flasher from an auto parts store. They will work with no load whatsoever and maintain a good flash rate. Not a high $ item either.

That is BY FAR the easiest and cheapest solution......if you can find an electronic flasher that will fit the socket on the first you must find the flasher. I can't believe that's not covered in the service manual.

If that doesn't pan out, the company that makes your replacement LEDs can probably sell you "load resistors" to compensate for the lower power serious about trying to find a new flasher first. Part of the advantage of the LEDs is lower power drain, which you lose if you put the resistors on AND the company's often screw you royally on the price of the resistors.....charging up to $30 for a pair of resistors that you could get at Radio Shack for about $5.

Are the LEDs really that much better?
I followed a Harley last week that had LEDs on the back and I didn't like them in the daylight; they either weren't bright enough or had too narrow a viewing angle.....or both.
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