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Old 09-12-2009, 04:47 PM   #36
music man
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Re: what does a hyper charger do to your gas milage.

Here is my two cents. I think just about everyone on here that posts even on a semi-regular basis has pissed someone off at some point or another, but the problem with Easy Rider is, is that it seems to happen at least every other post he puts up. It is just a constant barrage of nasty attitude towards anyone who doesn't agree with him. And I will be the first to say that I have seen plenty of threads that Easy Rider has actually contributed some helpful information to, but the bad side of that is, is that I have seen far more that he has just attacked someone and turned it into an argument.

It is just not necessary on a regular basis to go after people like that, there have been people that have wandered in here that got and definitely deserved an attack, but Easy Rider has attacked every one on here at least once, and most people that have been around for a while have gotten it several times. So I think what Dupo said to him was well deserved, and Dupo never told Easy in that original post to leave, just to tone that shit down or he would make him leave, and I don't think that is such an unreasonable request.
"Tell me what kind of wreck you're going to have and I'll tell you what type of helmet you need." [Author Unknown]
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