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Old 09-12-2009, 03:07 PM   #30
Posts: n/a
Re: what does a hyper charger do to your gas milage.

Originally Posted by "Easy Rider":1hr08lz1
\but I will not continue to participate in a conference where the free exchange of ideas is limited by the whims of the owner.
And yet you are still posting/lurking/annoying.


Not that anyone cares, as I hardly ever post and don't have much to offer knowledge wise, but I agree with burkbuilds - the administrators' reactions here have far exceeded anything Easy said. Easy, dhgeyer, Sarris and a few others have a lot of knowledge and I love learning from them, but I'm done, too. The only reason I even share it with everyone is as an example of how they're driving people away. I'll see if I can figure out how to "quit" the forum, but if the admins need to do that, then I'm formally requesting it. To Easy, dhgeyer, sarris and others, thanks for sharing your knowledge - I hope I can "see" you somewhere else in cyberspace.
