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Old 09-12-2009, 01:46 PM   #28
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Re: what does a hyper charger do to your gas milage.

Originally Posted by burkbuilds
I mean come on Dupo, you obviously like to do and promote doing mods and you obviously don't seem to hold a lot of respect for anyone's ride that isn't as powerful as your Shadow and that's okay, that's you and I like hearing what you have to say even though I don't always agree with you! Secondly, if you feel it necessary to reprimand somebody, I'd recommend that you start with a private message to them first and see if they might retract or modify or clarify their original post before you make a public "bash" on them, a lot of times giving people a chance to privately re-evaluate what they have written might result in a situation where tensions are lessened instead of escalated in the forum.
John, This is a very long on going problem from day 1. Tried to divert this problem many times to no resolution. This is not the firs time this has happened. There has been threads where things escalated because of Easy's comments. It just never ends. Please take a few minutes to read the shadowriders thread i linked. You'll see that he just cannot contain himself from insulting members of a forum. That thread on that forum was the last straw for me.

And where have i said i have little respect for those who have something smaller than my bike? I dont ever recall saying anything like that. And honestly, my shadow is not all that powerful. 55 HP ... thats all it is. Hell of a lot more than the GZ but compared to most on the market today, its peanuts. I'll get smoked by any harley out there .... but i dont really care, i like the looks. Same said for most GZ riders ... aint fast but it fits what you want/need. I've never put down anyone with a smaller bike. Closest i've come is when someone wants to upgrade ..... i give my opinion and thoughts and let them run with it. Most fears are the fear of a big bike ... because being on a GZ most bikes seem larger than life and i try to let em know, its normal to feel that way and u get used to it just like u did the gz (for first time riders). I don't down smaller bikes ... I OWNED ONE TOO!!!

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