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Old 09-12-2009, 01:05 PM   #26
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Re: what does a hyper charger do to your gas milage.

Its also against federal law to remove mattress tags .... lol. Your federal law argument is retarded. No one cares on a federal level if you want to put Vance & Hines pipes on your bike, modify your air box .. or anything else. Unless they start emissions testing on motorcycles around here no one is going to care.

You went on the 'other' shadow forum which is all about modifications and pissed off an entire forum. Several pages of people telling you off because you INSULT people. Your FIRST post and you insulted everyone on that forum. Don't act so dam innocent that its "your" opinion. Your opinion is full of negativity and insults.

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Originally Posted by KingTriEye
I am looking to get a new exhaust for my bike

Why? Do you want to take a perfectly good bike and screw it up ??
Do you REALLY want to be an obnoxious asshole?
That's what riders with loud pipes are, you know.......obnoxious assholes.

I'm sorry i am one of those obnoxious assholes ..... with that comment you can go fuck yourself buddy.

And if i'm so against these bikes, why is it i keep this forum going even after not owning a GZ for almost 3 years???

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