Re: what does a hyper charger do to your gas milage.
Calling bike mods obnoxious, illegal and questionable is insulting to the owner of said bike containing the mods. I do not come on here and give 'stock' bike owners crap and say their stock bikes are shit/slow/dumb. I don't see why you have to do that to custom items.
A hypercharger adds power to the bike ... you don't even own one, what makes you know so much about them? If you stuck around the shadowriders forum long enough, before pissing off the entire group of members there, you would have seen there have been bikes dyno'd before and after hypercharger installs. ADDED HORSEPOWER was the result.
You pretty much stated that they are crap and do nothing ... as well as pipes and rejetting? Are you serious? LOL. You downed every mod that you hate in one sentence and your analysis is that they are worthless. My bike, with those mods DOES have more power to it. AND people DO comment on the things i have done. Two things there ... self worth of the mods done to my bike and appreciation from those who comment on those mods.
He wanted to know more about a hypercharger .... as with everyone wanting to mod something on their bike your answer was "dont do it, its stupid and a waste of money....keep it stock". If everyone thought like you, there would be no OCC, WCC, custom builders, custom bikes ... we would all be riding stinky stock bikes, helmets, orange vests, AGATT and hanging out at starbucks showing off our matching faux leather ensemble that our wives picked out for us at the GAP.
My problem lies in the fact that you are NO HELP whatsoever in modding threads ... people want to tinker and enjoy their ride and make it their own ... you just wanna deter them from that. Either help them out in a positive manner and give them the info, HONEST and TRUE info, or move on to another thread. Let them take the info submitted and make their OWN decisions.
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