Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Originally Posted by Dupo
Easy, you have been sent a warning .... don't have your posting privileges revoked. Either contribute positively or stay out of the thread.
You won't have to fire me.....I quit.
It's been a good run guys but it is becoming obvious that my presence is no longer wanted here so I'm gone.
look i don't think any one really wants you gone. just be a little bit more curdious in your post. your saying im no longer a nice young man and i went over to the dark side cus i got a new bike and im thinking about sticking one performance part on the bike. that's the problem. not that you think the hyper charger is worthless. thats your opinion and your free to stat that opinion but
this aint star wars and i have not gone over to the dark side. if it was and i did i would send the death star over to your house and blow up the bushes in your front yard with laser beams :lol:
stick around man. just think about what your saying and if it sounds like it might piss any one off or offend them. leave that part out.