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Old 09-09-2009, 09:14 AM   #11
Easy Rider
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Champaign, Illinois
Posts: 4,561
Re: what does a hyper charger do to your gas milage.

Originally Posted by Dupo
Easy, you have been sent a warning .... don't have your posting privileges revoked. Either contribute positively or stay out of the thread.
You won't have to fire me.....I quit.

It's been a good run guys but it is becoming obvious that my presence is no longer wanted here so I'm gone.

To those friends I've made here ......and others who don't carry a chip on their shoulder, you can find me at:
or a new forum we are creating locally to help (mostly) mid-west riders get together

But then maybe I'm just such a terrible person that nobody cares.

Bye bye.
Loud pipes risk rights!

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