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Old 09-08-2009, 10:22 PM   #6
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Re: what does a hyper charger do to your gas milage.

Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Originally Posted by dannylightning
and do you need to re jet the bike.
Time for a little tough love here, I think.

Danny, buddy.......
When you first came here, you were a nice young man.
Lately, however, you seem to have gone over to the dark side, with comments about not caring about your hearing........
And now about spending your money (do you have a job yet) on chrome "fluff".

What's really going on here ???

"Hypercharger" is just a NAME. It doesn't do crap, really. It's more for looks than performance.
Now, the guys that have them won't come right out and admit that probably but it's true.
The same is true for changing pipes and other intake mods (K&N).
Sometimes re-jetting works out OK and sometimes it doesn't BUT what little you gain really isn't worth the time and money.

Now......if you like to tinker just for the sake of it, fine, go ahead.
If you expect any real performance gain, you will be disappointed.

Methinks maybe it's time you join an M-50 forum where your questions can be answered better.
There is an active community here:

Good luck!

Easy...please just shut the fuck up for a change.
]I am hiding in Honduras. I am a desperate man. Send lawyers, guns and money. The shit has hit the fan.
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