Thread: Questions...
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Old 09-08-2009, 08:20 PM   #25
Water Warrior 2
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Re: Questions...

A brand new Gladius, far out dude. You will love that little V-twin. It has the same bloodlines as the SV and Vstrom. Don't be surprised if it wakes up and really wants to go after approx 5000 miles. For some reason a lot of the 650's grow extra muscles about that mileage. A real kick in the pants at 7000 RPM.
Also do the above mentioned oil changes. I did about the same thing and my Vstrom runs very well. Having a 90 degree V-twin is as smooth as it gets with almost no vibration at all, nothing comes loose and falls off. Light bulbs will last longer too with no vibs to loosen the filaments.
Do we get some pics in the future ??

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