Welcome Cactus. Take it from a guy who has 35+ years experience riding, you'll get tired of a GeeZer very quickly. I own a Harley for anything over about 30 or 40 miles, but I keep my GeeZer for short runs and errands. The GZ is great for under 50 mph riding, but with no upgraded comfortable seat available (or made for that matter), you'll get a very sore ass in about 25 to 30 miles. Also, extended 50 to 55 mph driving gets very fatiguing (sp?) from the motor buzz and road vibration very quickly. IMHO, the GZ is just too damn little for that type of daily use and mileage.
I really would go for a 650 cc bike minimum. The weight and power will become very familiar and will get comfortable very quickly. If you are interested in a "cruiser" type bike, I recommend the Yamaha V-Star 650, as they are very reliable, have good horsepwer/torque, and are plentiful and cheap. Another good selection is the Kawi 650/750/800 cc midsize standards and cruisers. Just about any of the KawaYamaHondaZukis are reliable and fairly cheap used.
And don't worry, we let all kind of turncoats and traitors hang out on this site. No biggie.
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