Thread: Questions...
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Old 09-01-2009, 05:51 PM   #4
Easy Rider
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Re: Questions...

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
I second Mr. Geyer.
Not that I want to disagree with either of you level headed guys but..........

Given that he IS a first time rider AND that his commute will be at relatively low speeds.........
**I** think he is making a fine choice.

Of course, we need to know how big the mountatins ARE, but mine did just fine going from Nashville to Chatanooga and back; some of that time in 4th gear, mind you. Hopefully the TU with it's injection will be just a tad bit better than the GZ.

As for engine longevity, if you don't spend too much time fighting the mountains, you should be OK there too. Those who have had major engine trouble around 20K miles, were in the habit of "ride it like you stole it" all the time; that is, pretty much max. RPM all the time, including pushing 80 on the highway.

Now, is it likely that he will want a bigger bike in the next couple of years if he continues that commute? I'd say yes, very likely but that's just a part of being a beginning biker. Better that than running a bigger bike off the side of a mountain the first year !!
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