Thread: Questions...
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Old 09-01-2009, 03:42 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Lexington VA
Posts: 6

Hi all, I'm thinking of getting a nice new 2009 TU250 But I thought I'd ask you experts a few questions..

My biggest concern is if the 250 is going to be able to hold up, I've seen a few notes on the forum of folks killing their GZ's after 5000 miles and a year ownership... :/

I'll be using it to commute 80miles a day (40 each way), usually doing about 35 over the mountains and in town about 50-55. I'd say about 15 miles is mountains the remaining 25 is standard city/country roads at 55... planning not in the winter (ice + snow would splat me quick on a bike!).

400 miles a week, 1600 a month so doing about 10,000 estimate a year probably..

I love the looks of the TU250 but I just don't know if it can handle it the miles I'd throw at it.. It would be my first bike, and I have my license, done my MSF/BRC etc. Wife kinda frowned when I suggested stepping up in price to say vulcan 500 (I dont particuarly want to go to a 650cc for first bike)!

The plan was to pick it up this saturday.... (its a combined kawai/suz dealer)

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