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Old 08-20-2009, 01:04 AM   #4
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Re: idol sucks, keeps stalling out, hit the gas and it revs .

well the bike is having a issue with the choke cable, it is hard to move and im thinking it may be sticking. this is my guess as of so far, nothing else seems to be out of place as far as i can tell when i was trying to figure it out earler, i already checked most of what you mentioned, the air filter and all that seem to check out alright, boots around the carb look good and are tight, all other cables look good minus hard to move choke cable, i tried to lube it up a bit and still vary hard to move.

in the u haul there was on strap on each side attached to the handle bars, i cant see how that could have hurt any thing. there was nothing else in there except for a big case full of stuff and that was straped against the wall the bike and case were in the exact same position when i got back as when i left.
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