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Old 08-03-2009, 04:51 PM   #84
Water Warrior 2
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Location: Squamish B.C Canada
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Re: Is "All the Gear, All the Time" a minority?

Originally Posted by Val
Two weeks ago, I slid out on oil (from my drain plug falling out - mechanic error) going around a near 90 degree turn. I was in: full face helmet, armoured (Canadian spelling) vented jacket and gloves, boots. (Need to look into pants.) When I looked at all of the concrete and shoulder gravel rub points, it reinforced my personal choice to ride ATGATT. The contact points:
Helmet: small hole at top right, then scrapes top to chin on right side.
Gloves: right knuckles rubbed through textile to armour, top rubber on fingers embedded with dirt, palms full of gravel.
Jacket: rub spot and blood inside left elbow that rubbed INSIDE on the textile
Boots: rub spot on side of one boot
Pants (jeans): didn't wear through, probably because I had slowed through the curve

It seems that several bits of me could have become hamburger without the gear, and I wasn't going that fast. ATGATT for sure for me is reinforced.

(Another consideration: I have enough aches and pains from the natural aging process - I don't need any more!)
Val, sounds like you will be needing some replacement gear. The helmet for sure. Hopefully the shop will pony up for your new stuff without a battle. Have you noticed the natural aging process is reversed while riding ?
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