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Old 08-02-2009, 10:42 AM   #20
Easy Rider
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Re: Helmet Recommendations?

Originally Posted by dhgeyer
After all, the safety gear only saved my life, and my wife's life, once. What's one teeny little time, really? ;-)
Was it the jacket and pants that accomplished that feat.......or the helmet ??

Heat stroke is a REAL danger in the South ....and even the mid-west during the "dog days" of summer. The best way to prevent injury is to prevent the "accident" in the first place. If you pass out and veer into oncomming traffic.......?????? A little extra trama when you are already in shock might be all that it takes.

It is a PERSONAL decision. Preaching to newbies is all fine and good......but chewing on someone who has seen 60+ years (or there-abouts) is like talking to a rock. At some point, comfort becomes just as important as safety. I often cruise around town without a helmet.

There is, however, a compromise too. I've ridden in 90 degree weather with a mesh jacket and long pants and helmet and it is bearable......until you come to a stop. Even that is too much if you get trapped in stop-and-go traffic.
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