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Old 08-01-2009, 06:23 PM   #14
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2007
Location: New Port Richey, Florida USA
Posts: 1,348
Re: Helmet Recommendations?

In Florida, no one wears ATFGATFT. It's too damn hot. You'll have a heat stroke here long before you have an accident.

I ride in t-shirt, jeans, riding boots, a DOT 1/2 police type helmut (sp), and good sunglasses. I do wear a leather jacket, leather gloves and a 3/4 helmut (sp) in the winter.

Typically, all newbies are chickenshits. Time in the saddle will cure most of that. I'm 52 yrs old, been riding for 35+ years, and have been down twice. One time, really bad (in winter gear).

ATFGATFT would not have done shit for me in either accident, and for me, it's not worth having a heat stroke.

Now, before y'all jump up my ass, this old dog ain't changing. Don't waste your breath preaching. So, :fu:

PS; I'm not stupid, dense, or suicidal. I believe in freedom of choice. Keep the safety Nazis off my ass.

Have a Nice Day.
Prudent riders live longer than moron riders.
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