Originally Posted by mrlmd1
To simply check the bike's charging system, run it at mid throttle and measure the voltage at the battery terminals which is the easiest access point. If you're getting somewhere around 14 V, the charging system's fine.
A new sealed AGM battery, which is all you can get now for a bike,
Mmmmmm......really?? I find it rather hard to believe that the ONLY type of motorcycle battery you can get for ANY bike, GZ included, is AGM. Are you sure??
As for the charging system test, what you said is true......but the inverse may not be.
Have you put a meter on yours lately? I have found that modern voltage regulators are MUCH more sensitive than old ones and can better detect when charging is not needed. Both my GZ and the current Honda actually show a slightly higher voltage at idle than at mid-range engine speed.......when the battery is fully charged.
So, the point IS that if you do NOT get above 13V at mid-range engine speed, it doesn't necessarily mean that the charging system is not right. You almost have to run the battery down a bit to get a good test.......at least in my recent experience.