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Old 07-28-2009, 06:15 PM   #4
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Re: If the bike isn't charging correctly, how many miles?

Can you clarify what you are talking about? I'm having a hard time following you. What do you mean by "a new 6 week old battery started farting a week ago"? Why do you think it's a battery problem?

If you're having trouble starting it after it sits overnight - like how do you mean? It turns over but won't catch? It turns over very slowly?

First off, most GZ's need a little choke to start them off if they've been sitting even overnight. Once they're run and warmed up, they'll start right up without the choke even hours later. Are you using the choke in the morning, even a little?
Answer that, then we'll get to a possible battery issue.

By the way, if you had a bad battery you probably wouldn't be able to start the bike more than a few times, then it would be dead enough to not turn over the starter motor, even if you went our for "a while".
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