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Old 07-22-2009, 04:20 PM   #30
Water Warrior 2
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Re: What is your avg riding distance?

Have 3 pairs of pants. 1st pair were JR Ballistic 5.0. They are heavy, waterproof, warm and breath as well as plate steel. Good idea at the time. Very secure feeling and great in really bad weather. 2nd pair are JR Alter Ego and much better with the removeable panel and zippers. Still not enough air circulation around the belly and crotch area to reduce heat build up. 3rd pair is the most effective. JR Atomic Jeans with a very light lining to hold knee and hip armor in place. Air does pass through the denim quite nicely at speed. If I spread my knees apart(no tank hugging here)for a minute or so there is a good amount of air flow on the inner thigh to cool things down. So yes I will probably wait for a bargain on mesh pants in the fall when they go on clearance. New Enough in Texas gets most of my clothing budget so I will just keep my eyes open.
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