Re: Canadian Motorcycle Newbie
I leave it in first, pull in the clutch and put both feet down. If I am on a hill (significant uphill) I will sometimes put my foot up on the (foot) brake before releasing the hand brake (when I'm getting ready to go again.) After a while, you get where you can let go of the brake, ease on the gas and let out the clutch all smoothly enough where you don't really need the foot brake, but it's probably safer to use it in case you have a senior moment or something.
Also, for boots, I have had very good experience with a pair of Alpinestar's that come up over the ankle, half a strap, a zipper and Velcro on both sides. I've worn them almost daily for almost a year now and they are still in very good shape. Easy on and off, no slip, and good burn/pipe protection.