Full face or Flip-Up Helmet...
Since my accident last weekend the insurance company has discarded my Shoei full-faced helmet. The adjuster told me to look for a similar helmet of quality and (perhaps adjusted for inflation) price. They will cover up to $400 for the new helmet. I paid $290 in late 2000.
Here's my question: I wear glasses and have to take them off before donning or doffing the helmet. The Shoei flip-up helmet looks like it might be as good as a regular full-faced helmet. Is it?
It has metal clasps at the lower edge in the front where the flip-top latches to the body of the helmet. So it is much more secure than the HJC cheapie sitting next to it. I would have to pay an additional $100 for it. Snell does not put their stamp of approval on it, but DOT does.
Thanks for any and all assistance!
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