Thread: Sore Butt!!
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Old 07-12-2009, 01:38 AM   #2
Water Warrior 2
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Re: Sore Butt!!

Sore Butt Syndrome aka a PITA. Lynda never had a complaint with her GZ, a perfect fit. But her new bike is a PITA after a while. The shape of the seat presses up against the tail bone. Lynda has a gel pad and is experimenting with that. Rather than just placing the pad on the seat to fit the contour she has slid it forward a bit so the tail bone basically hangs off the rear edge of the gel pad. The pad is about 1 inch thick in case you have a problem reaching the ground at present. So far so good.
Another thought for a fix, shave off the rise at the rear of the seat to relieve the pressure point. If that works there is no need for a gel pad and short leg syndrome biting you when you least expect it. Hope this helps a bit. Ride safe Mary.
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