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Old 07-05-2009, 10:25 PM   #12
Water Warrior 2
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Squamish B.C Canada
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Re: Canadian Motorcycle Newbie

Originally Posted by Jere
Thanks for the advice WW.

I haven't been to Squamish in about 8 years now. My uncle and his family live there. When I was a real youngster (2-4 years old) we lived in Britannia Beach!

What's the new Sea-to-Sky highway like?
Jere, you would be very surprised to see Squamish now. It isn't the same place I moved to 4 years ago. The S2S highway is far different and a real pleasure to ride especially with some power to use.
As for Britannia Beach, you would be shocked. The old mine buildings have had a facelift and look pretty good. And thanks to the Olympics in 2010 Britannia Beach will be a lot greener. All of the copper bearing water running out of the old mine is being treated to remove the copper deposits. The beach actually has plant life in the water. Looks a lot more inviting than lifeless water. The treatment plant also pumps out ground water at the beach and treats it to remove the copper. Believe it or not enough copper is removed to make 90 billion pennies every year.
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