Originally Posted by normnxn
its got about 65 thousand kms on it. and it use to be a rental bike its now also ten year old. im guessing its not a job for an amateur to do. need to see a pro 
Yes, probably but don't panic. If you didn't RUN it with all that gas on the oil, chances are there was no (additional) harm done.
For that to happen, TWO things must BOTH fail....assuming the design of yours is similar to "ours". First, the vacume operated gas valve under the tank must fail. It's called a petcock and has a valve inside that should shut it off when the engine is not running. Then, there is the needle valve inside the carb. That closes when the bowl is full; it had to fail TOO.
Of course, don't try to run it until you get the gas problem solved and (at least) one oil change done. Two changes a few miles apart should be good enough.
Good luck!!