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Old 06-18-2009, 03:56 PM   #5
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Georgia
Posts: 41
Re: petrol in my oil.

I have seen this before and it was where something in the carbs stuck and caused the gas to keep running and filled up the case. I want to say the float but not sure.
I know one guy that had this. He had his carbs rebuild and then he changed his oil and filter, ran it for a few mins and changed it again. Went for a 10 mile ride the next day and changed the oil again. He changed it a few more times right after that and has been riding it ever since. Six or seven oil changes was cheaper than a rebuild.
Now I am not saying this will fix your problem but you may want to have the carbs checked and run the idea by some wrencher you trust.


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